HardDisk almost full warning

Issue #16 new
Hafiz Bistar created an issue

detects the harddisk size daily, if let say 10% left, send email or pop-up a warning. stop the data pulling (to avoid data losses)

Comments (2)

  1. Patrick Ling

    Send email or just a warning message is fine, I don't think the TyME SyNC should stop the data polling. Because 10% still got plenty of space if based on GB harddisk. Don't stop data polling easily as this is the major function of TyME SyNC.

  2. Hafiz Bistar reporter

    Send email is only valid if the user set the email notification. Desktop notification is only valid if the pc is monitored (at least a once in a week or so).

    In one possible situation, a user setup Sync without email. He removes the monitor for other purpose. OR he might even turn the monitor off, and ignores it for a few months. Then Sync gives warning message, the user does not notice the warning.

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