
Clone wiki

despair / Home

Welcome to Despair.

Despair is the working title for a pen and paper role-playing game designed specifically to have sessions broadcast in a live streaming event with participation from the viewers. The setting takes place in a Lovecraftian Survival Horror 1950s Retro-Futurism world, with the primary action centered around a tiny New England fishing town on the coast of northern Massachusetts. Viewers are invited to vote on the course of the story through periodic straw-polls, and to create a character representation of themselves to become part of the story. The players will be randomly assigned a character to play for each mini-adventure in the story from the list of characters provided by the viewers. The GMs role is to weave the player's decisions, the results of the dice, and the votes of the viewers into a dark and tragic story of harsh and unforgiving conflict against eldrich horrors on the shores of madness. Will the characters keep evil at bay or give in to the dark embrace of despair?

This wiki currently contains rules for the following:

The current schedule for playtesting on my twitch channel is Sundays at 12pm UTC (5pm PST).
