F4T Deleted Programs not Editable.

Issue #137 resolved
Myles Metzler created an issue

Best guess on steps to produce:

  • Ensure F4T is running 04.08.029
  • Configure web controller for chamber.
  • Remove controller "Run Module" and "Run IO" via admin page.
  • Modify a few programs, ensuring you save, move, delete them.
  • Downgrade F4T to 04.07.0012
  • Re-configure for chamber.
  • Delete a program slot
  • Edit the program in the slot that was just deleted. This should cause an error.
  • Restore editing by writting a blank program to the bad slot.

Comments (2)

  1. Paul Nong-Laolam

    With the Watlow Firmware 4.08.0029, program editing feature is broken, even with Module and I/O removed on the /admin page. For instance, program name is messed up – with underscore chars that were not there previously. Program saved in a new (EMPTY) slot did not get updated; its name is still “EMPTY”, but the contents are there.

    Downgraded the F4T with firmware 4.07.0012 fixed all issues occurred with firmware 4.08.0029. With Module and I/O inserted back in the /admin page. Program editing feature now operates normally. Program reallocation, delete or editing works normally.

  2. Paul Nong-Laolam

    Issue was determined to be the Watlow F4T unit (software problem). Web Controller operated normally under the F4T firmware Version 4.07.0012

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