
Espec North America C# example for P300 communications

Created by Myles Metzler
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Threading;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        private SerialPort port;
        private int step = 1;
        private int pgm;

        private int delay = 200;

        static void Main(string[] args)

            new Program(1);

        public Program(int program)
            port = new SerialPort(Console.ReadLine(), 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
            port.Handshake = Handshake.RequestToSend;
            pgm = program;

            // the order of these calls cannot be changed.
            NewPGM();                               // start a new program (delete what ever is in prm# and make a new one)
            PGMStep(10, "OFF", -1, "OFF", 1, 0);   // these steps must be in order of step 1 to step n
            PGMStep(50, "ON", -1, "OFF", 1, 0);
            PGMStep(60, "OFF", -1, "OFF", 1, 0);
            PGMStep(70, "OFF", -1, "OFF", 1, 0);
            PGMStep(80, "OFF", -1, "OFF", 1, 0);
            PGMStep(100, "ON", -1, "OFF", 1, 0);
            counter(2, 5, 10);                      // setup the counter here (optional)
            EndPGM("Test", "CONSTANT");             // set the name then the end mode IN ORDER (optional) then close the program
            Console.Write("PGM uploaded hit enter to exit");

        // just the basics here can the extra settings needed ect.
        public void PGMStep(double Temp, string TRamp, int Humi, string HRamp, int hour, int min)
            string HSTR, HRSTR;

            // The chamber will throw an error if hramp is sent in the command string when humi is off regardless of its value ie:
            // "...humi off, hrampoff" will throw an error!
            if (Humi >= 0 || Humi <= 100)
                HRSTR = String.Format("HRAMP{0}, ", HRamp);
                HSTR = String.Format("{0}", Humi);
                HSTR = " OFF";
                HRSTR = "";

            // send the step, note that item #5 is the humidity ramp control as defined above.
            port.Write(String.Format("PRGM DATA WRITE, PGM{0}, STEP{1}, TEMP{2:0.0}, TRAMP{3}, HUMI{4}, {5}TIME {6}:{7}\r\n",pgm,step,Temp,TRamp,HSTR,HRSTR,hour,min));

        // setup a new program.
        public void NewPGM()
            port.Write(String.Format("PRGM DATA WRITE, PGM{0}, EDIT START\r\n",pgm));

        // setup counter a note that the documentation on the scp220 communications manual has an error:
        // ... pgm1,count, a(settings), b(settings) is the correct method omit either as needed.
        public void counter(int StartStep, int EndStep, int Count)
            port.Write(String.Format("PRGM DATA WRITE, PGM{0}, COUNTA({1}. {2}. {3}\r\n",pgm,StartStep,EndStep,Count));

        // name the program, set the end mode, then close the program edit.
        public void EndPGM(string Name, string EndMode)
            port.Write(String.Format("PRGM DATA WRITE, PGM{0}, NAME, {1}\r\n", pgm,Name));
            port.Write(String.Format("PRGM DATA WRITE, PGM{0}, END, {1}\r\n", pgm, EndMode));
            port.Write(String.Format("PRGM DATA WRITE, PGM{0}, EDIT END\r\n", pgm));

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