Map clusters and map markers disappear at a high zoom level

Issue #15 resolved
Davis Marques created an issue

When navigating the map, some clusters will disappear and then fail to display markers once a certain zoom level has been reached. This problem is noted in the following Google MapClusterer issue:

Comments on that page suggest that MapClusterer should be replaced with MapClustererPlus.

Comments (3)

  1. Davis Marques reporter

    When the map is at maximum zoom, and we try to open a marker that is within a cluster, the cluster manager makes that marker disappear and closes its info window.

    We may need to disable the cluster manager when we want to zoom to a specific item.

  2. Davis Marques reporter

    There was a known bug in the MarkerClusterer implementation that caused this same problem, and was resolved in the updated MarkerClustererPlus. However, our problem persisted. We have now determined that the problem is likely caused by multiple locations having the exact same coordinate values. We will address the problem through quality control of data.

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