Need to disambiguate selection of search hint from query submission

Issue #2 resolved
Davis Marques created an issue

Auto-complete can be very annoying to the user. It will display search hints properly in a list below the search box. As the user types, search hints are filtered. The closest matching search hint is automatically selected. If the user presses the enter key, that search hint is copied into the search box. If the user presses enter again, the search query is submitted.

Search hints should not be selected automatically. Instead, the user should have to either cursor down to select something or mouse click on a hint. If focus is in the search box, then the enter event should always submit the current query.

Comments (2)

  1. Davis Marques reporter

    The existing search hints feature was based on the Twitter Bootstrap Typeahead component. This component was replaced with JQuery UI Autocomplete. The search box submit() action forces closure of the hints list. This enables the user to a) enter a search term without being forced to select something from the hint list, b) hit enter to submit the query, c) closes the hint list on 'enter' to give some visual indication that the query has been sent.

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