Implement application routing, use of location to encode state

Issue #20 resolved
Davis Marques created an issue

Search controllers should update on location change, parse the starting location, and then build their internal state from that location.

The SolrSearchService should NOT parse the window location. That is the job of the controllers. The search service should remain passive.

Comments (9)

  1. Davis Marques reporter

    Added routing to document search application. Have updated DocumentSearchResultsController, ImageSearchResultsController with FACP code to handle route changes, and parse the starting location.

  2. Davis Marques reporter

    Merged various Angular modules and controllers from the facp-www repo. These files add application routing, handling of location changes in the controller. Will need to update the facet related controllers, map controller.

  3. Davis Marques reporter

    Updated FieldFacetController, FacetSelectionController to handle route changes, use the browser location as the input query.

  4. Davis Marques reporter

    Updated DateFacetController. MapController and DateFacetHistogramController remaining.

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