schema.xml / solrconfig.xml missing from repository

Issue #23 resolved
Michael BOUVY created an issue


When trying to deploy your application following the installation instuctions, I couldn't find any schema.xml (or solrconfig.xml) as mentionned.

Is this file available somewhere or actually missing from the repo ?

Thanks and congrats for your work !

Comments (2)

  1. Davis Marques

    Actually, the problem here is poor documentation on my part.

    The schema.xml file that is mentioned in the README is located in another repo: This particular schema is for indexing EAC-CPF content and is not required for the Solr-Ajax application to work. You can use any Solr schema with the application that you want. You'll just need to configure the various application components to look at the appropriate Solr fields and it should work.

    It would be appropriate if I start developing some additional documentation describing how to do all the reconfiguration, and put that into the Wiki. To that end, I will close this issue and open a new documentation issue.

  2. Davis Marques

    Updated the README file to remove the reference to the EACCPF-Solr schema. Created Issue #24, to create new user documentation.

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