Queries return documents that lack critical data fields.

Issue #7 resolved
Davis Marques created an issue

Some queries result in the retrieval of documents that lack certain critical data fields. For example, a title, source URI, exist dates and so forth. This produces empty space in the search results, odd formatting or unusable document records for the user.

Possible solutions to this include filtering of records that do not have the minimum presentation fields, presentation or controller code to deal with missing fields.

Comments (2)

  1. Davis Marques reporter

    For the specified field(s) that we require, we need to amend our query to say fieldName:["" TO *] to ensure that we get fields that have non-null values.

  2. Davis Marques reporter

    Fixed location search to select only those documents that have the location_0_coordinate value.

    This type of constraint works only for fields that are not copied into!

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