Use require.js to ensure that JS files are executed only after loading completes

Issue #8 resolved
Davis Marques created an issue

Intermittent page update problems could be suggesting that the Javascript files are not loading in order and that is causing problems for Angular. Use require.js or a similar approach to guarantee that resource loading completes before any script execution happens.

Comments (3)

  1. Davis Marques reporter

    Have added and scripts. These scripts compile the separate Angular script files into app.js, controllers.js, directives.js, filters.js and services.js. The minify script reduces the file size.

  2. Davis Marques reporter

    Have moved all Angular application script directives to the bottom of the HTML page. The core script libraries (ex. JQuery, Bootstrap, Angular) are declared in the page head.

  3. Davis Marques reporter

    Used Angular's async loader instead of require.js to ensure execution starts only after all files are loaded.

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