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phist / User_Guide / 040 Supported Hardware


Supported Hardware

In principle, the kernel library used determines, which hardware is supported. The only requirements from PHIST's side are reasonably recent C and C++ compilers, and a sequential lapack library. When using the builtin kernels, a compatible Fortran 2003 compiler is required. Use of MPI an be disabled explicitly when configuring PHIST.

The kernel library deals with the execution of the computationally intensive kernels, either on the host processor or an accelerator device. In the latter case, (at least) one core on the host processor must be available for executing sequential code, and the kernel library provides transfer operators for the sdMat object.

Example of a heterogenous compute node

If you want to use the Cool Features#!high-precision-arithmetic of PHIST, each MPI process has to be able to execute AVX2 instructions.
