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This is the PHIST wiki, the place for out-of-source documentation on the "Pipelined Hybrid-parallel Iterative Solver Toolkit". It explains basic concepts and useful details for getting started with PHIST. The wiki is under construction, don't expect it to be anywhere near complete.

Note for developers

Feel free to edit/extend the Wiki, you can either do so online or clone the git repository:

git clone

Wiki contents

Getting Started

User Guide

Developer Guide

Related Publications

  1. Thies et al. PHIST: a Pipelined, Hybrid-parallel Iterative Solver Toolkit ACM TOMS 46 (4), 2020
  2. Thies et al, Towards an Exascale enabled Sparse Solver Repository Springer LNCSE 113, 2016
  3. Röhrig-Zöllner et al, Increasing the Performance of the Jacobi-Davidson Method by Blocking SISC 37(6) (2015)
