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Etz.Api / Etz.API.Client - Installation & Configuration

Download the source code

Download the source code from Bitbucket and compile the Etz.API.Client project:

You can download our client api by cloning the following Bitbucket repository:

git clone

To use it, you will need to add a reference in your application to Etz.API.Client.dll.

Configure your settings file

Add the following settings to the appSettings section in your applications .config file.

    <add key="UserName" value="xxx" />
    <add key="Password" value="xxx" />
    <add key="Goowid:Domain" value="xxx" />
    <add key="Goowid:ApiClientId" value="xxx" />
    <add key="Goowid:ApiClientSecret" value="xxx" />

Please contact support at to receive your variables.
