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Settings menu

Here is the place where the end user can configure some settings about the UI or app behaviour. For instance, one can set how the search is performed:

  • as the user type in the word (in-place search)
  • only when the user tap the search button (a magnify glass icon)

Also, depending on the user needs, one might set the program to show a translation preview in the result list or only the matching results as in the source dictionary language.

Sometimes the word is not defined in dictionary in the same form as you are searching for (e.g. you search for 'done' but in dictionary it is defined as 'do'). In this case one might choose to search even deeper, throughout the inflections of the word, for instance.

Depending by your device hardware capabilities (cpu, memory, screen) you might want to limit the number of the found results just to the TOP n of them. For this, one can set the result limit by moving the slide to left/right (left: less results; right: more results).

The detail screen will show you all the info available about one word. Depending on each word some sections might be missing or might be showing. By setting the level of details one could choose which sections to show and which sections to hide. Or even better, one could choose 'Full-option' to show all the sections available for that word (by default).

It's not clear now how we are going to use these data but the program is capable to collect the word usage info. By setting the 'Update word usage statistics' one could allow the program to collect and to store (right into the current dictionary) these data. It is a good idea to set this on as it might prove to be helpfully later.

There are some plans to do other things automatically (like app/dictionary automatic update, upload statistics to a server where the data will start having a meaning, etc) but for the time beeing we stick to the things that are critic. One could find some settings options for these but they are disabled at the current time (2012-05-15).


Level of details

The level of details for a particular word depends much on the dictionary version and the word.

In the current version of dictionary there are implemented the following sections:

  • must-to-have sections
    • basic information (the word itself, its word class, translation and maybe some comments)
    • phonetics (the word pronounciation, eventually a link to a mp3 audio sample)
    • grammar comments (persents the grammar rule that should be used in connection with that word)
    • definition (shows the definition of the word in the dictionary main language)
    • compound (shows few example of other new words that resulted by combining this word with others)
    • use (give a explanation of when one might use the word)
  • nice-to-have sections
    • derivation (example of other words which have the current word as them root)
    • variant (presents other known variants of the word)
    • idiom (gives few example of known idioms where the word is used)
    • inflection (list the inflections of the word as they are defined by the grammar rules)
    • synonyms (shows a list of synonyms (in the main dictionary language) for the word
    • related (shows words that might have a relation with the word; usually there are antonyms)
  • miscellaneous sections
    • examples (complete sentences that show how one can use the word)
    • explanation (a full explanation of the word)
    • picture (if there is a picture available that illustrates the word then it shows you the link to it; requires Internet link)
    • see (provides a list of links to some online supplimentary resources related to the word)

Depending on the words (usually on the class of that word) some of them might provide certain type of info, some of them not. The sections that are not defined (does not apply) for one word are ussualy not shown (they are hidden).

