
GEORGE LIU iconv-chunks r55

Created by GEORGE LIU

our $CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 100; # 100M

=head1 NAME

iconv-chunks - Process huge files with iconv


  iconv-chunks <filename> [iconv-options]


The standard iconv program reads the entire input file into
memory, which doesn't work for large files (such as database exports).

This script is just a wrapper that processes the input file
in manageable chunks and writes it to standard output.

The first argument is the input filename (use - to specify standard input).
Anything else is passed through to iconv.

The real iconv needs to be somewhere in your PATH.


  # Convert latin1 to utf-8:
  ./iconv-chunks database.txt -f latin1 -t utf-8 > out.txt

  # Input filename of - means standard input:
  ./iconv-chunks - -f iso8859-1 -t utf8 < database.txt > out.txt

  # More complex example, using compressed input/output to minimize disk use:
  zcat database.txt.gz | ./iconv-chunks - -f iso8859-1 -t utf8 | \
  gzip - > database-utf.dump.gz

=head1 AUTHOR

Maurice Aubrey <>


# $Id: iconv-chunks 6 2007-08-20 21:14:55Z mla $

use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;

# iconv errors:
#   iconv: unable to allocate buffer for input: Cannot allocate memory
#   iconv: cannot open input file `database.txt': File too large

@ARGV >= 1 or die "Usage: $0 <inputfile> [iconv-options]\n";
my @options = splice @ARGV, 1;

my($oh, $tmp) = tempfile(undef, CLEANUP => 1);
# warn "Tempfile: $tmp\n";

my $iconv = "iconv @options $tmp";
sub iconv { system($iconv) == 0 or die "command '$iconv' failed: $!" }

my $size = 0;
# must read by line to ensure we don't split multi-byte character
while (<>) { 
  $size += length $_;
  print $oh $_;
  if ($size >= $CHUNK_SIZE) {
    truncate $oh, 0 or die "truncate '$tmp' failed: $!";
    seek $oh, 0, 0 or die "seek on '$tmp' failed: $!";
    $size = 0;
iconv if $size > 0;

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