Some locations are displayed with an ID, not with their names.

Issue #15 resolved
Evanova Android repo owner created an issue

Wherever there is a location specified, some station don't have names, just IDS. Noticeably: * Asset Lists * Contract Details

Comments (9)

  1. Evanova Android reporter

    As CCleva noted, Evanova doesn't take care of conquerable stations. This will be fixed with a few changes in eve-api, jeeves and Evanova:

    • Add conquerable stations in EveAPI
    • Add station tables to the CacheProvider
    • Add a background service to feed the CacheProvider with updated info from Eve Online.
    • Have Evanova's ContentService use CacheProvider.getStation or CacheProvider.getStation
  2. ccleva

    I can confirm that contract acceptor is now updated and displayed correctly. Thanks to Akira for accepting the test contract quickly. All locations are fine.

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