Drag List for Skill plans is not great on tablets

Issue #34 resolved
Evanova Android repo owner created an issue

The left-hand side overlaps the pilots lists.

Please give https://github.com/bauerca/drag-sort-listview a try.

Comments (4)

  1. ccleva

    I gave a try to the dslv library. It sure is a nice piece of work but I hit several issues:

    • The item views are wrapped in a ViewGroup and this is causing problems with the layout (this seem specific to the linear layout, issue described here https://github.com/bauerca/drag-sort-listview/issues/73)
    • The default drag&drop gesture recognizer relies on the presence of a drag handle in the view and not on some method to decide whether is it possible to drag the item. This is not practical for us as the skills in training should not be dragged.
    • There is no way to specify whether an item can be dropped at a given position. This would allow to prevent an illicit reordering (higher level before lower ones).

    I think this library would be a nice replacement for the current drag&drop class used (the scrolling and live reordering are very nice), but it requires additional work on our side and maybe some modifications to the original code.

    I will continue to work on it, but I propose to plan the replacement for a later release. In the meantime I'll make a pull request with a fix for the issue mentioned.

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