Suggested improvements to tracking Courier contracts: More contract statuses

Issue #38 closed
Morten Stærkeby created an issue

Let me first say that Evanova is the best android app I have seen for Eve in a while.

As one of the leaders in Red-Frog, I am interested in apps that let us follow contracts, and courier contracts in particular.

After looking through the corporate contracts in Evanova, I found that only two contract states of courier contract statuses where currently covered: Outstanding and completed, the rest of the states are marked as Unknown

The following possible states of statuses exists for courier contracts:

Outstanding Deleted Rejected Failed Completed

Based on the expiration date, and the status outstanding, is possible to mark a contract as expired Based on the accepted date, and the time to complete, it is possible to mark a contract as over-due.

Comments (11)

  1. Evanova Android repo owner

    First, thank you for your appreciation. As one of many capsuleers, I appreciate Red Frog's services and hold your corporation in high respect.

    There has been some small polishing on Contracts which you can check using the current beta (

    A release is planned very soon so I don't know how much of your suggestions can be quickly put in, but further versions will definitely integrate those.

    Thanks a lot for your feedback.

    Haul stuff safe! Evanova

  2. Evanova Android repo owner

    Contract statuses have actually changed. Here's the proposed colour coding:


    Name: white

    Status: depends on the remaining time (green/yellow/red)

    Expires: depends on the remaining time (green/yellow/red)


    Name: orange

    Status: depends on the remaining time (green/yellow/red)

    Expires: depends on the remaining time (green/yellow/red)


    Name: grey

    Status: grey

    Expires: grey


    Name: grey

    Status: grey

    Expires: grey


    Name: grey

    Status: grey

    Expires: grey


    Name: grey

    Status: grey

    Expires: grey


    Name: grey

    Status: red

    Expires: grey


    Name: grey

    Status: grey

    Expires: grey


    Name: grey

    Status: grey

    Expires: grey


    Name: grey

    Status: grey

    Expires: grey

  3. Morten Stærkeby reporter

    This looks good. Will there be possibilities to set notifications when contracts gets completed, or are about to go overdue? I assume this could be useful for both the issuer and the contractor?

  4. Evanova Android repo owner

    This will probably have to go with version 1.3 but that's definitely something that can be added.

  5. Evanova Android repo owner

    More suggestions from Locin_WeEda (formatted)

    Types of filters

    1. status-filter

    2. Date-filter: last 24 hours, last week, last month (for instance)

    search for pilot and/or customer

    search for pilot and/or customer to easily find specific contracts (for example when doing customer relation work via evemail, unable to access Eve)

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