Planned skills should be remove from plan once trained or in training queue

Issue #39 resolved
ccleva created an issue

As a capsuleer who follows his training plan, I would appreciate if the skills I have learned or that are in my training queue were removed automatically from my training plan when I update my character, so I don't have to update my plan manually.

Comments (8)

  1. epaaj

    Removing skills from plan when in queue could be a bad idea since if you stop training it then it will no longer be in the plan. I would rather just hide it or something until it is completed and fully trained or removed from the skill training queue.

  2. ccleva reporter
    • changed status to open

    Very good point indeed. The planned fix is to keep the skill in the training plan but to neither display it or consider it for training time computation.

    Fix in testing.

  3. ccleva reporter

    I have finally been able to test the last remaining scenario (modify and save the training plan while one planned skill is in queue, remove this skill from queue and check it is still planned) and to fix the last problem (fully trained skill still displayed in plan until character update). This issue can now be closed.

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