Show location in pilot list

Issue #42 resolved
Morten Stærkeby created an issue

When looking at my 11 characters in Evanova, I sometimes would like to know where all my characters are, without having to click on each one to find out.

Suggestion: make some of the information provided in the pilot list configurable. While some may be interested in their training times on characters, a JF pilot may be more interested in knowing in what systems his various cyno characters are located for instance. There are probably other things that could be configured to be displayed at a glance as well.

Comments (5)

  1. Evanova Android repo owner

    There could be a menu option which would allow for displaying:

    • Training status and time
    • Location and ship
    • ISK and Order status
    • Industry status (this one may be harder to implement due to how we handle industry at the moment)
  2. Evanova Android repo owner

    There is now menu options to toggle from training to location and ship.

    We can add more later on without much efforts but I believe it's enough so far.

    See commit 704802a

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