Cannot read emails

Issue #53 resolved
dylan_sawyer created an issue

Since the last update the body text of emails appear blank.

Comments (13)

  1. ccleva

    I cannot reproduce this issue, on my phone mails have a readable body. Could you try a fresh install and let us know whether the issue is still here ? Thanks


  2. ccleva

    Damn, now I have the issue for the last couple of evemails I got !

    I confirm the mail body is not displayed at all, and the mail header is black instead of white. Also I have the issue for mails that displayed ok yesterday, and not for all of the mails.

    I will investigate the issue. I'm not sure it is evanova related as I have the same problem of missing mail body with EveHQ too ...

  3. ccleva

    I can confirm the problem comes from empty (i.e. null) mail bodies. After a fresh install of the development version I have the problem for all mails.

    This is probably related to the recent issue with the api:

    Maybe we should try to reload empty mail bodies after a while, but the header has to be fetched first: "Bodies cannot be accessed if you have not called for their headers recently." from

  4. Evanova Android repo owner

    There has been a small downtime on the Eve API server last week. Is this still relevant?

  5. ccleva

    Unfortunately yes, I still have empty mail bodies today. Looking at the API log page it seems there is no call to the MailBodies api ... investigating ...

  6. ccleva

    Update: it all boils down to the MailBodies API call returning the error "General Error: Scotty the docking manager heard you were talking shit about him behind his back and refuses to service your request.".

    I have been able to retrieve some recent mail bodies (by requesting only new ones), but some older mail seem to trigger this error.

    I am currently trying to pinpoint the exact problem and hopefully will come with a suitable fix soon.

  7. ccleva

    Update 2: In this specific case the error comes from a single mail in the batch of mail bodies. It does not look special to me except a few characters at the beginning "<[[".

    I forwarded that mail to one of your accounts and the body of the forwarded mail cannot be retrieved either, so it clearly comes from the content of the mail.

    We need to discuss of a possible solution or workaround, I can't think of a good one at the moment (fetching bodies individually does not sound good, does it ?).

    Also, maybe we should register a bug report in EVE ? After all the error comes from their end.

  8. Evanova Android repo owner

    This is weird. One malformed e-mail body should not impact the other e-mails. "<[[" looks to me like a beginning of a CDATA block or something similar. It would be great to capture what the API returns for this particular one.

  9. ccleva

    I tried a few things and I propose the following solution:

    • New mails have all their bodies fetched in one API call.
    • Additionally, older mails with empty bodies that can still be requested (i.e. still returned by the call to MailMessages) are fetched individually.
    • A mail with an empty body would display something like "Unable to fetch mail" instead of the current black screen.

    So, if the batch of new mails contains a problematic mail, the whole batch will fail. On the next mail update we will retrieve those mails individually and should get all the normal ones. Eventually mails with empty bodies will be out of the list of mails we can retrieve and we won't try anymore.

    I think this solution minimizes the API calls while still trying our best to retrieve all the mails we can.

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