Skill plan: Estimated time incorrect

Issue #57 resolved
epaaj created an issue

The estimated time it will take to complete a skill seems to be calculating the time it will take to complete a skill relative to the current amount of pints in that skill. If you have not trained anything for a skill then the estimated time for lvl 5 includes the time to complete lvl 1-4. This is not really a problem when just looking at a skill, only that you need to be aware of it. But in the skill plan tool in Evanova these estimated times makes it look like a lvl 5 skill will take 16 days when about 2 days of these 16 are for lvl 1-4. Because of this if you add lvl 1-5 of a skill in the skill planner then it will show that the total training time will be closer to 18 days for all lvls and not 16 days as it should as i will take in reality.

Comments (3)

  1. ccleva
    • changed status to open

    Thank you for the detailed report, it really helps nailing down the problem.

    I confirm the described behaviour, the training plan uses the cumulative time to completion for each level instead of the level by level time to completion, hence the offset observed in training times.

    A fix is planned for the next release (Odyssey update).

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