UI fixes for 1.2.4

Issue #60 resolved
Evanova Android repo owner created an issue

With the removal of borders, there are a few things that don't look great:

Bottom button menu bar icons aren't spaced evenly in Char and Corp views.

The gallery for corps should not have the text expand to under the icons, it makes the the icons hardly visible.

The API key button on the dashboard doesn't have the gradient like the other buttons.

Item groups should be displayed in the title bar icon when there is no icon for a specific item. It shows an empty square at the moment.

Comments (8)

  1. ccleva

    For the API Key button to have the same background as the other buttons I have to remove its android:focusableInTouchMode="true" property from the xml.

    I could not find much info about that property so ... is it safe to remove or is it needed for something, like haptic feedback or blinking ?

  2. Evanova Android reporter

    It's probably fine...I am not sure what it will do when blinking but I don't think it should have any impact.

  3. ccleva

    The problem with the bottom buttons alignment comes from the buttons text. Captions like 'Contracts', 'Starbases' or 'Members' are larger than the button image and shift the other buttons so the text can be displayed in full.

    I changed the text size to 13sp and it fits, let me know what you think (12sp looked a bit small but would be consistent with the dashboard).

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