Market Update laggy

Issue #77 closed
Wapu Kashuken created an issue

there is a noticable lag when viewing the market prices for any item...

when selecting any item for market prices, the application freezes, then goes to the price page after it has downloaded information.

recommended solution:

treat these actions assynchronously. when selecting the prices for any item, go to the prices page directly, view any cached prices while updating in the background, then refresh the screen w/ current prices when download is complete.

Comments (4)

  1. Evanova Android repo owner

    The market data has a 5mn cache time. so the lag that you see is while the asynchronous service actually does its job (you should see the loading icon, if not it's a bug)

    For the moment, there is no way in Evanova to show a cached version while loading another fresh one. This change will take too much time for this release.

    Also, for some items there is a lot of data and they get all gobbed at once from the XML file, which is slow but faster to code than going through a ContentProvider and a database. This may change in the future too.

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