No notification

Issue #92 resolved
Former user created an issue

Evanova gives no notification abour new messages etc. Refresh is activated. Its only working one time, when restarting the Device

Comments (31)

  1. Evanova Android repo owner

    News? Yes: I'm baffled.

    I've ran tests all week-end long and notifications seem to be triggered correctly at the intended time, at least on a Genymotion VM (Nexus S 4.3 and Nexus 7 something something.).

    I'll let this sink a bit before going back to try debugging a problem that I don't see :(

  2. MaxRink

    I usw CM 10.2 and five Widgets. Maybe the task for THW Widgets co4relates with Thema notificationtask.

  3. Evanova Android repo owner


    In your screenshots, both capsuleers don't update or only the one with the "Notification On" in the menu bar? In the later case, it would be working as intended (TM).

  4. MaxRink

    Autoupdate works for no char. I´ve changed my ROM to OMNI today and the same behaviour.

    I have 3 API-Keys installed, all with full access. Two times two chars @ one key and one time one char @ one key. (2x2, 1x1) All togeather 5 chars.

    I could send you some API-keys from me for testing(but no full).

  5. MaxRink

    Switched all my API-keys from Accountkeys to single char keys. hope, that helps.

    Edit; doesn´t work :/

    How does the trigger for the notifiacations exactly look like? More precise: What events should trigger the notification.

  6. Evanova Android repo owner

    In theory, the way the notifications work is as follows:

    When a capsuleer/corp gets updated, there is an alarm that is set (to 15mn or whichever time you chose for updating data). When this alarm is received:

    • The capsuleer/corp is updated (which in turns renews the alarm).

    • If notifications are allowed by configuration (that is your settings allow the capsuleer notifications are enabled), a notification is shown if you have outstanding e-mails, contracts or training - Unless the update comes from a refresh within Evanova.

    When the device wakes up, an alarm is sent to trigger the same workflow as previously. This shows that the process of receiving alarms and showing notifications work since they show correctly on a device restart.

    Now, my tests show that while the device is up, alarm updates are happening correctly. From then, if the conditions are met to show a notification, they should show (again, unless you are within Evanova and doing a refresh already).

  7. ccleva


    I am not sure how you check the "unless you are within Evanova" bit, but would that prevent notifications to show up if the application is left in the background ? That would explain the difference in behavior described by people.

    I personnaly always exit the application and notifications are working for me.

    Hope this helps.

    Le 04/04/2014 00:36, evanova a écrit :

  8. Evanova Android repo owner

    The "unless you are within Evanova" means when one manually hit refresh or a refresh happens while viewing a capsuleer. It's an Android guideline to now show notifications when the user is within the app, and the way it's implemented in Evanova can indeed cause some issues, but nothing that I could find.

  9. Evanova Android repo owner

    So. I removed all the conditional code around notifications. That seemed to work so well that I'm getting spammed every 15mn :P

    Still some work to do on those.

  10. Evanova Android repo owner

    In about 2 weeks if there is no patch or other Android update that breaks my build...

  11. Evanova Android repo owner

    ​I'll try to get a beta by tomorrow, you impatient fellow ;-)​ Actually it'll be good if I can get some external testing done so stay tuned.

    Fly dangerously!


  12. MaxRink

    Notifications still don't work. But i think, the failure isn#t in the notification code. It must be in the fetchprocedue of the data.

  13. Evanova Android repo owner

    This is getting really weird...I have this build on my phone and I receive more notifications than from Eve Droid...

    Are you able to capture some logs using LogCat or else?

  14. MaxRink

    Trying to reproduce it in am emulator actually. Edit 1: Intervall is at 15, 5 new Messages and a low skill queue are produced. No notification after 40 Minutes. It seems, the Problem is related to my API-Keys. I could sent them per mail for debugging.

  15. Evanova Android repo owner

    Emulator or not, it shouldn't make any difference if it's configured correctly to access the network. I used Genymotion for the previous screenshot.

    If you dismiss the notifications, they should come back at the set interval (pretty much). The process uses the same permissions as provided by your key. You can definitely send it to me for debugging purpose.

  16. MaxRink

    I´ve used Genymotion too. Also tried Bluestacks and the ADM. All are not working. And you've got mail.

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