Show remaining account time

Issue #94 wontfix
MaxRink created an issue

Show the remaining Time of your Accounts.

Comments (6)

  1. Evanova Android repo owner

    The accounts detail screen already shows a lot of details about the account associated to a key, including remaining time and expiration date.

    Do you mean having this displayed in the api key list screen?

  2. MaxRink reporter

    i don´t see my remaining time, just the birthdate of this char and the time since then in days. Where i could find the remaining time.

    Edit: my fault, too silly. But the remaining time in the 4x3 Widget would be nice. Place should be enugh there.

  3. Evanova Android repo owner
    • changed status to open

    This can be looked into but I don't think it's going to provide much. Maybe a notification (among those that don't work well...) would be enough?

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