Error in 2019.2

Issue #1 resolved
squash created an issue

I get this error on Unity 2019.2.13f1 project. The error seems to disappear in 2019.4 project.
Assets\Editor\UnityOptimizerBuildLogExtender.cs(50,104): error CS1061: 'BuildReport' does not contain a definition for 'packedAssets' and no accessible extension method 'packedAssets' accepting a first argument of type 'BuildReport' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Comments (4)

  1. flarive repo owner

    Ok… I suggest you to comment this 2 lines in your Editor/UnityOptimizerBuildLogExtender.cs on line 50 and 52 :

    //Debug.Log("UnityOptimizerBuildLogExtender.OnPostprocessBuild packed assets length : " + report.packedAssets.Length);
    //Debug.Log("UnityOptimizerBuildLogExtender.OnPostprocessBuild steps length : " + report.steps.Length);

    “packedAssets” and may be “steps” properties doesn’t exist yet in Unity 2019.2, it should have been added in Unity 2019.3 or 2019.4.


  2. squash reporter

    Hey, thanks for the reply. Yeah i figured i could just comment that line of code, so its working now. Thanks.

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