UO is being unresponsive after analyzing a large project.

Issue #2 resolved
Marek Oleksiak created an issue

As I mentioned on Reddit: UO is really hard to work with when it analyzes a large project.

Seems really awesome, but it tends to stop responding on my project (which is pretty large, over 100gb, around 80k of assets).

I am using the pro version and tbh I feel a little disappointed. For software that should help reduce build size and optimize things, it is understandable that the real-world scenario can be related to rather larger projects.

I am using basic analysis and my project is on an SSD. UO manages to analyze my project but is pretty unusable afterward. Switching between tabs (project explorer, large assets, etc.) is pretty impossible. I am using the latest beta (Unity 2020.2.0b10)

When I select “Check logs” from the dots menu I am getting a “The system cannot find the path specified” error.

Comments (12)

  1. flarive repo owner

    Ok, I see… A new a log is created every day when you start UO, so could you please start UO without loading your project.
    When you are on the start screen with the big button “Open Unity project”, could you go to the dots menu and then Check logs.
    A quite empty log file should be opened in notepad (or your default .txt editor).

    I suspect your previous UO previous log to be too huge to be able to be opened.
    So, in notepad then click save to save the log (without any change), you should be able to see the path where the log is stored.

    Copy/paste this path in Windows Explorer, should be something like : C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\IsolatedStorage\skctz10q.eox\ixb00b1w.5vv\Url.mt25tykbyeunkeeszofkjgke1zdbf10u\AssemFiles

    You should see your previous log (ending with the date of yestoday i suppose).
    Could you give me size of this log, zip it and send it to me as issue attachement or with wetransfer to eviralsoftware@outlook.com

    Thanks a lot

  2. Vladislav Valentyukevich

    Same problem.
    My project weighs about 40GB.
    Maybe it is worth parallelizing the checking of assets to another thread (perhaps this is the case now) and displaying a window to the user that the analysis of files is continuing, and not everything has crashed.

    PS So far I will not touch anything and expect the process.

    Progress has started! Counted 15k files. Then everything works as I expected. Is it possible that the construction of the manifest file is implemented in the main thread, and not in the additional one?

  3. flarive repo owner


    The loading of the project is already made in a separate thread to avoid making the UI not responding.
    All the consuming tasks are made in background workers and not in the UI (main) thread.

    If I understand well the loading project progress bar takes a long time before begining to display the progress ?

    Is the navigation in the UI ok ? (switching tabs, sorting columns…)

  4. Marek Oleksiak reporter

    Nope, the UI lags (not responding status) when switching between tabs (after scanning the project - which also makes UI unresponsive). I am unable to do anything related to my project since every click makes the UI not responding and I have to wait tens of seconds or even minutes.

  5. Vladislav Valentyukevich

    If I understand well the loading project progress bar takes a long time before begining to display the progress ?

    Yes.Also the cursor is in the loading state. And when you try to press something - window "Not respondive".

    While waiting, the analysis takes place in a wobbly mode, it only strains UI-lag at the beginning.

    At the second time UI hangs is not so much long. And it takes 2-3 seconds, besides, this problem is known and I'm just waiting.

  6. flarive repo owner

    Ok, it seems to be “only” a UI issue, not a loading and parsing project issue…
    I’m going to try to speed up the UI may be by reducing the number of items I display simultaneously in the datagrids…
    Something like paging or just the top 100 of the largest assets/unused assets.
    The number of items displayed could be set by user in the app global settings.
    What do you think of that ?
    Should it be ok for you Marek and Vladislav ?

  7. flarive repo owner

    I’m going to work on your issues soon…
    I have just released Unity Optimizer, the is coming in few days and your fixes should be in the

  8. flarive repo owner

    I have just released Unity Optimizer with some fixes.
    I was able to load a project with almost 100000 assets without problem, the progress bar now shows correctly the progress status and the UI shouldn’t be freezed anymore when switching tabs.
    Could you please confirm me that you can load your large project and that the issue is solved ?


  9. Vladislav Valentyukevich

    Yes, it has become much user friendly and more responsive! Nothing hangs. writes the text that the collection of the number of files is in progress and this process can take a lot of time.

    P.S.The project with 15k files has been successfully loaded.

  10. flarive repo owner

    Great !
    Thanks for your answer.
    I have added new features such as lost pixels tab (see changelog).
    Could you please rate Unity Optimizer on the Windows Store and write a little comment ?
    Thanks a lot !

    Waiting for Marek answer to close this issue.

  11. Marek Oleksiak reporter

    Apologies for being so unresponsive! I’ve tested it after you uploaded the updated version and I must admit that it is working a lot better! Thanks for your support!

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