Pro version didn't work at all

Issue #8 open
Fatih Barut created an issue


I used free version on my project, liked it and bought it.

But paid version didn’t work at all.

I opened the project again with paid version but all pages (except the first one) are empty also build size looks 0. What can be the reason?

Comments (4)

  1. flarive repo owner


    Hum, strange.
    You probably have no build anymore or no build log anymore.

    You should try to :

    1. Start Unity
    2. Open your project in Unity
    3. Build your project in Unity chosing the target plateform you want
    4. Do not close Unity
    5. Start UO and open your project in UO (basic or extended analysis)

    To be able to work correctly UO needs the Unity build log that Unity generates each time a project is built inside Unity.
    When closing/restarting Unity this build log is deleted (renamed in fact) and UO needs it to display build size and build stats.

    If the problem persist, could you send me some screenshots of the problem and the UO logfile please ?


    Hope it will help

    UO free and UO full are very very close, code is the same, so it sounds strange that it worked well with UO free and not this UO full.

  2. flarive repo owner


    I have just redownloaded et tested UO full from Microsoft store and i was able to load my Unity project without any particular problem.

    Here are a few screenshots :

    What version of Unity do you use ?

    I would really need your latest Unity Optimizer logfiles to be able to help you.

    You can get them from the top right menu icon in Unity Optimizer.



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