Traceback not formatting properly

Issue #2 duplicate
Etan Zapinsky created an issue

When you print out the traceback you do it by looping through the lines of code and printing out the lines and the local variables at the time. Is there a way you can print out the traceback using the built in python functionality?

Comments (5)

  1. Erik van Zijst repo owner

    IIRC the traceback module operates on traceback objects only, while we use frame objects. traceback instances are creates when an exception is raised, but in our case however, there is no exception. The dogslow watchdog thread inspects the running request thread without disturbing it and so without triggering it to raise an exception.

    Cheers, Erik

  2. Etan Zapinsky reporter

    I was just wondering if there was a way for the stack trace to be displayed like all the other tracebacks on django.

  3. Etan Zapinsky reporter

    Not really, more importantly, after spulec (a coworker of mine) implemented the logger functionality, when we use dogslow with sentry (, it would be nice to have the html be formatted properly like all other django tracebacks. This should be possible in sentry since it is able to display errors that it logs with the proper django formatting.

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