Add paratext

Issue #3 wontfix
Ewan Higgs repo owner created an issue

Paratext claims to be fast:

Comments (8)

  1. Ewan Higgs reporter

    Thanks. I changed computers so I need to rerun all the examples. And/or write a script to run them all for me.

  2. Ewan Higgs reporter

    I measure warm reads and I don't discount the JVM startup. I basically run the read command a bunch and take the lowest value. And that's basically my use case: running scripts on the command line, tweaking a script, rerunning it, and probably dumping some plots.

  3. Ewan Higgs reporter

    I tried to add Paratext, but it just doesn't work properly. There are race conditions and it can't parse an empty file.

    In any event, using a single thread, I can get it to parse the test file in about half a second on a Macbook. But obviously this can't be compared to the timings coming out of wercker. It does, however, give us a ballpark idea of how quick it is. It's certainly not the fastest, but it seems pretty quick.

    time python2/ </tmp/hello.csv
    real    0m0.559s
  4. Ewan Higgs reporter

    Paratext code hasn't been touched in 2 months and the issue I raised hasn't been acknowledged in 14 days. I think it's abandonware.

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