gmxcoco workflow on Bluewaters

Issue #7 resolved
Ardita Shkurti created an issue

Can anyone give a try to the gmxcoco on Bluewaters workflow?

Or if not, if anyone could have a look at:

This is the CU having to do with the coco analysis, and this CU fails. If one tries to execute the coco command as in (that is pyCoCo "--grid" "30" "--dims" "3" "--frontpoints" "2" "--topfile" "md-0_0.gro" "--mdfile" "*.xtc" "--output" "coco_out_0.gro" "--logfile" "coco.log" "--selection" "protein") that will execute correctly.

Looking at we can notice the following:

MPI functionality is now available through bwpy-mpi.
To enable MPI packages `module load bwpy-mpi` after bwpy
assertion !pthread_create(&thr->thrH, &attr, rout, arg) failed, line 111 of file /u/sciteam/shkurti/atlas/ATLAS/intel/..//src/threads/ATL_thread_start.c

Any comments/suggestions?

Comments (8)

  1. Vivek Balasubramanian

    I can't cd into your working directory.

     cd shkurti/
    -bash: cd: shkurti/: Permission denied

    Just to confirm, coco was compiled with the openmpi stack in /projects/sciteam/gkd/modules right ?

  2. Ardita Shkurti reporter

    Can you try now for the access?

    And yes, coco was compiled with the openmpi stack in /projects/sciteam/gkd/modules ...

  3. Vivek Balasubramanian
    cd scratch/
    -bash: cd: scratch/: Permission denied

    Also the specific pilot folder. Please try a recursive permission change with chmod -R

  4. Vivek Balasubramanian

    Hmmm.. this seems to be an atlas specific error perhaps. thinks look fine in the shell script. I'm giving it a try too, but if the coco stage in coam example worked fine I wouldn't expect this to fail unless there is some change in data (?).

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