MethodAccess.decl() inconsistency

Issue #143 new
Loïc Girault created an issue

In the following example extracted from the freemind 0.9.0 sources, the call to decl() on "getRowCount" access can return either p.AttributeTableModel.getRowCount() or javax.swing.table.TableModel.getRowCount() :

package p;

import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
interface AttributeTableModel extends TableModel {
    int getRowCount();

abstract class AttributeTableModelDecoratorAdapter extends AbstractTableModel implements AttributeTableModel {
public class View {

    private AttributeTableModelDecoratorAdapter currentAttributeTableModel;

    private void startEditingTable() {

For info, I tried to minimalize even further the above example as follow to remove any library dependencies but then the inconsistency is not observable.

package p;
interface TableModel {
    int m();
abstract class AbstractTableModel implements TableModel {}
interface AttributeTableModel extends TableModel {
    int m();
abstract class C extends AbstractTableModel implements AttributeTableModel {

class D {
    C c;
    void n(){

Edit : comment edited with test that reproduces the inconsistency

Comments (8)

  1. Jesper Öqvist

    I have tried to reproduce this problem, but I was able to correctly compile the example code you provided. I'm not sure why we get different results.

    Have you used the regression test suite for ExtendJ? The Git repository is here:

    It would be very useful if you can give your examples as test cases for the regression test suite, because then I can run it exactly the same way.

    For example I did the following to try to reproduce the bug with your example code:

    • cd regression-tests
    • ln -s ../extendj/extendj.jar extendj.jar -- creates a link to the latest extendj.jar to be used by the test framework.
    • mkdir tests/name/method_01p -- the path does not really matter, the test framework scans all folders under the test/ directory for test cases.
    • Then I pasted the code into the file tests/name/method_01p/ -- the file makes the test framework recognize it as a test file that will be compiled and the executed. Adding a comment // .result=COMPILE_PASS makes the test skip executing the compiled code.
    • ant -Dtest=name/method_01p -- this runs only the test in the path tests/name/method_01p
  2. Loïc Girault reporter

    Hello. The inconsistency of MethodAccess.decl() value returned is not a problem for compilation but it is for my static analysis. As such I do not know if you will consider it a bug.

    Anyway here is a test that reproduce the inconsistency :

    package tests.extendj;
    import org.extendj.JavaCompiler;
    import org.extendj.ast.*;
    import org.junit.Test;
    import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
    class TestFrontend extends JavaCompiler {
            Program getProgam(){
               return program;
    public class TestJavaMethodAccess {
            MethodAccess searchMethodAccess(ASTNode<?> n, String name){
                    if(n instanceof MethodAccess && ((MethodAccess)n ).name().equals(name))
                            return (MethodAccess) n;
                    for(int i=0; i<n.getNumChild(); i++){
                            MethodAccess ma = searchMethodAccess(n.getChild(i), name);
                            if(ma!= null) return ma;
                    return null;
            String fullName(MethodDecl md){
                return md.hostType().fullName() + "." + md.fullSignature();
            String compileAccessMethodAndBuildFullName(String filePath, String methodName){
                TestFrontend jc = new TestFrontend();
                String[] args= {filePath};
                Program p = jc.getProgam();
                assertTrue(p != null);
                MethodAccess ma =searchMethodAccess(p, methodName);
                MethodDecl md = ma.decl();
                return fullName(md);
            public void testMethodAccess() {
                String p = "<path to>";
                String m = "getRowCount";
                String fn0 = compileAccessMethodAndBuildFullName(p, m);
                for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
                    assertTrue(fn0.equals(compileAccessMethodAndBuildFullName(p, m)));

    To run it I modified the build.xml :

    • in the javac task of the build target, i've added <pathelement path="${extendj.jar}"/> in the classpath

    • I've written the following task

        <target name="javaMethodAccess" depends="build">
            <junit fork="yes" showoutput="yes">
                    <pathelement path="lib/junit-${junit.version}.jar"/>
                    <pathelement path="${extendj.jar}"/>
                <test name="tests.extendj.TestJavaMethodAccess" todir="${test-reports.dir}"/>
  3. Jesper Öqvist

    Thank you! Your test code above helped a lot, and I can reproduce the bug now!

    I think the reason that the result of MethodAccess.decl() varies is because it picks the first result from an unsorted set of candidate declarations. There is probably a rule in the Java Language Specification that ExtendJ does not follow correctly in this case. I will see if I can fix it.

  4. Jesper Öqvist

    I am not sure that there is a good solution to this. The MethodAccess.decl() attribute has to return a single declaration, unless the MethodAccess is undefined and then it returns UnknownType.unknown(). In this case there are two most specific method declarations: p.AttributeTableModel.getRowCount(), and javax.swing.table.TableModel.getRowCount(). I can't see that either of these declarations is more correct than the other, and there is no good solution to sort the declarations.

    If you want to find out if a method is declared in multiple places you could use the MethodAccess.decls() attribute which returns all applicable declarations.

  5. Loïc Girault reporter

    I arrived at the same conclusion. As I said in a previous answer, this inconsistency is not a problem for the compilation. It's just weird to stumble upon a case where different results can be computed and concurrency does not seems to be the origin of it. Now I'm using MethodAccess.decls() and it suits me perfectly !

    Again, thank you for your time. Furthermore, this make me discover your test suite and gave me the opportunity to build the test to exhibit the stackoverflow problem with the fullname of a type variable declared in a generic method (issue #136).

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