Problem with type inference from expected return type

Issue #153 resolved
Marcus Leich created an issue

The following example code fails to compile:

package test;

public class MinTestGeneric {

    public interface TransformFunctionFunction<O,N> {
        public N transform (O val);

    public interface Host<T> {
        <R> Host<R> transformHost (TransformFunctionFunction<T,R> function);

    public static class StringToIntegerFunction implements TransformFunctionFunction<String, Integer> {

        public Integer transform(String val) {
            return val.length();

    public static class StringHost implements Host<String> {

        public <R> Host<R> transformHost(TransformFunctionFunction<String, R> function) {
            return null;

    public static void main (String[] args) {
        Host<String> stringHost = new StringHost();

        Host<Integer> integerHost = stringHost.transformHost(new StringToIntegerFunction());


Error Message:

/Users/[...]/ error: no method named transformHost(test.MinTestGeneric.StringToIntegerFunction) in test.MinTestGeneric.Host<java.lang.String> matches. However, there is a method transformHost(test.MinTestGeneric.TransformFunctionFunction<java.lang.String, R>)
CompilationUnit PackageDecl="test"

Assuming that the compiler can figure out that StringToIntegerFunction subtype of TransformFunctionFunction<String, Integer> the issue seem to be that the R type parameter is not bound to Integer as the expected return type from the call would suggest.

The example is simplified snippet from one of the Apache Flink Java examples I toyed around with.

Comments (5)

  1. Jesper Öqvist

    Thank you for the bug report! I was able to reproduce the bug.

    Generic type inference is known to be a little buggy in ExtendJ, and I am not very familiar with the type inference in ExtendJ. There is a small constraint solving system used to infer type arguments, and if there is a bug in the constraint solver I might not be able to fix it. I will have a look at this bug and see if there is a simple fix.

  2. Jesper Öqvist

    There are two problems here in ExtendJ:

    • The type inference does not infer that the R type parameter should be Integer.
    • ExtendJ does not treat StringToIntegerFunction as a subtype of Host<String, R>, which should be true even without type inference inferring R to be Integer.
  3. Jesper Öqvist

    After running a debugger and looking at the method lookup, it seems like the type inference actually infers the method type parameter correctly but fails to substitute the host class type parameter. I get the following inferred argument type in the during method lookup: Test.TransformFunction<T, java.lang.Integer>. I don't know why the type printed in the error message is different right now.

    Here is a smaller test case:

    // .result=COMPILE_PASS
    public class Test {
      public interface C<T> {
        <R> void transform(I<T, R> f);
      public interface I<O, N> {
      class Impl implements I<String, Integer> {
      void f(C<String> host, Impl fun) {
  4. Jesper Öqvist

    The problem seems to be caused by type lookup for the generic method first substituting the T type variable, then replacing the R type variable, independently.

  5. Jesper Öqvist

    Improve type substitution

    Method type parameters can now be substituted even if the host type has substituted type parameters.

    Method return type substitution has been unified with other type substitutions: the inter-type method TypeDecl.substituteReturnType(Parameterization) has been removed. Type substitution can now be done on TypeAccess, not only TypeDecl, using the new inter-type method TypeAccess.substitute(Parameterization).

    Improved handling of wildcard types during code generation (previously erased during substitution).

    fixes #153 (bitbucket)

    → <<cset d22808bf67b3>>

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