I'm not seeing new worklog

Issue #3 resolved
Massimiliano Rizzuto created an issue

We moved from Jira StopWatch (not supported) to this app but we are experiencing the same problem. We are not getting exceptions, errors from the app but the time is just not logged, using both LogWork and LogTimer operations.


Comments (5)

  1. Eyzee Plugins repo owner

    Hi Massimiliano

    Thank You for using our plug-in and for your feedback.

    Can You please check the following:

    • please check if You have Time Tracking turned on and let us know what is the "time tracking provider" on the time tracking settings (go to Jira Settings -> Issues -> Time Tracking) - as indicated in the screenshot:


    • please check if the worklog has been added in the issue activity (go to the issue screen, choose Activity and check whether the time You inputted in our stopwatch has been added)


    Best Regards

  2. Massimiliano Rizzuto reporter

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    Yes the time tracking is enabled with "Tempo Timesheets" enabled. timetracking enabled.PNG

    I checked the Activity section and I can confirm that there's an entry with logged time. activity tracked.PNG

    but I can't see all these worklogs on Jira and Tempo app for reporting needs.


  3. Eyzee Plugins repo owner

    Hello again Massimiliano,

    We have carefully researched this issue and the cause of Your problem lies in Tempo Timesheets selected as time tracking provider.

    Whenever You log time using Tempo, it „hijacks” Your account and logs time as Tempo user in Jira.

    Our plug-in (and other plug-ins like the one You mentioned in Your issue description) log time as „normal” Jira user – as You can see on the Activity section of the issue screen.

    This results in Tempo not being able to recognize new Jira worklogs for any user other than Tempo and is the reason for Your issue.

    A partial solution would be to switch the time tracking provider from „Tempo Timesheets” to „Jira provided time tracking”. This, however, will result in most of Tempo features being disabled.

    As this problem impacts a large number of users, we are currently developing another solution, a new and complete Tempo Timesheet alternative, that will work based on Jira data without „hijacking” the user worklogs. Once complete, this solution will be available on Atlassian Marketplace.

    Best Regards

  4. Massimiliano Rizzuto reporter

    Thanks now it's totally clear. Looking forward for a complete time tracking solution that can resolve all our needs.

    Best Regards

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