marshal add/new ATT Box

Issue #82 resolved
Alex M Pro created an issue
  • empty - word
  • cleanup edit text box - on editing start
  • TAB - ORDER!

Comments (19)

  1. Alex M Pro reporter
        $("#name1a").editable({  });
        $("#name2a").editable({  });
        $("#j1add").editable({  });
        $("#p1add").editable({  });


            enablefocus: true, 
            showbuttons: false,
            highlight: '#00d81d',
            onblur: 'submit',
            enablefocus: true, 
            showbuttons: false,
            //defaultValue:'Grifanyan 尼扬',
            highlight: '#00d81d',
            onblur: 'submit',        
            emptytext:'Grifanyan 尼扬'
      inputclass: "j1p1w",
      enablefocus: true, 
      showbuttons: false,
      highlight: '#00d81d',
      onblur: 'submit',        
        success: function(response, newValue) {
          console.log('go2next EL focus');
        validate: function(value, newValue) { if ($.isNumeric(value) == '' || (value < 15 ) || (value > 345 )) {
          return 'только цифра 15..345'; }
      inputclass: "j1p1w",
      enablefocus: true, 
      showbuttons: false,
      highlight: '#00d81d',
      onblur: 'submit',        
        success: function(response, newValue) {
          console.log('go2next EL focus');
        validate: function(value) { if ($.isNumeric(value) == '' || (value < 15 ) || (value > 345 )) {
          return 'только цифра 15..345'; }
  2. Alex M Pro reporter


     $fNameGUIc = $f5start->getGUIfName('index',0);
      $lNameGUIc = $f5start->getGUIlName('index',0);  
      //$fNameGUIc = '';
      //$lNameGUIc = '';
      $fNameGUId = $f5start->getGUIfName('index',1);
      $lNameGUId = $f5start->getGUIlName('index',1);
      $fNameGUId = '';
      $lNameGUId = '';


    <div class="col-md-3"><h3><a tabindex="7" href="#" title="заявка на Рывок" type="number" size="10" id="j1add">69</a></h3> <h4><p class="kgUcase">&#x338f;</p> <?=$s1GUIc;?> </h4></div>
    <div class="col-md-3"><h3><a tabindex="8" href="#" title="заявка на Толчок" type="number" id="p1add">79</a></h3> <h4><p class="kgUcase">&#x338f;</p><?=$cj1GUIc;?></h4></div>


    <button id="addAthleteBtn01" title="+1 новый атлет" class="buttonADD button1">&#10133;1AT</button>


    <div class="addclose close closeNF" title="закрыть">&#10006;</div>


  3. Alex M Pro reporter
    /* ADD ATT BUTTON */
    .buttonADD {
      background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */
      border: none;
      color: white;
      /* padding: 16px 32px; */
      text-align: center;
      text-decoration: none;
      /* display: inline-block; */
      font-size: 16px;
      padding-top: 4px;
      padding-bottom: 4px;
      -webkit-transition-duration: 0.4s; /* Safari */
      transition-duration: 0.4s;
      cursor: pointer;
    .button1 {
      /* background-color: white; */
      background-color: #e3f2e1;
      /* color: black;  */
      color: #6b716a; 
      border: 3px solid #4CAF50;
      border-radius: 35%;
    .button1:hover {
      background-color: #4CAF50;
      color: white;
      border-radius: 37%;
    .button2 {
      background-color: white; 
      color: black; 
      border: 2px solid #008CBA;
    .button2:hover {
      background-color: #008CBA;
      color: white;
    .button3 {
      background-color: white; 
      color: black; 
      border: 2px solid #f44336;
    .button3:hover {
      background-color: #f44336;
      color: white;
    .button4 {
      background-color: white;
      color: black;
      border: 2px solid #e7e7e7;
    .button4:hover {background-color: #e7e7e7;}
    .button5 {
      background-color: white;
      color: black;
      border: 2px solid #555555;
    .button5:hover {
      background-color: #555555;
      color: white;


    .closeNF:hover {
        color: #cc0000;
        border:1px solid #cc0000;
        box-shadow: 0 0 1px #cc0000;
  4. Alex M Pro reporter
    $getMotdPage = $f5start->getMOTDpage_tab();
    $getf5name = $f5start->getf5name();
    $getf5ver = $f5start->getf5version();
    $getf5url01 = $f5start->getf5url01x();
    $getf5url02 = $f5start->getf5url02x();
    $getf5url03 = $f5start->getf5url03x();
    $guiJUD_BTN01 = $f5start->i18nJUDGEbtnj1();
    $guiJUD_BTN02 = $f5start->i18nJUDGEbtnj2();
    $guiJUD_BTN03 = $f5start->i18nJUDGEbtnj3();
    $getf5lang = $f5start->getf5GUIlang();
    $getBASEDIR = $f5start->getf5BaseDIR();
    $getMotdPage = $f5start->getMOTDpage_tab();


    MOVE INTO ##



      <button id="f5jbtnCHRONOid" onClick="location.replace('/j');" class="btn btn-default btn-lg" data-loading-text="<i class='fa fa-spinner fa-spin'></i> OK!">&#128340;
      <span><?=$guiJUD_chronoBTN;?> </span></button><br>
      <button id="f5jbtnDBLid" onClick="location.replace('/d');" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" data-loading-text="<i class='fa fa-spinner fa-spin'></i> OK!"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tasks"></span>
      <span><?=$guiJUD_doubleBTN;?> </span></button>
  5. Alex M Pro reporter
    $router->get('/j', function () {
      //require_once __DIR__ .'/core/model-f5start.php'; //$f5start = new f5start;
      require_once __DIR__ .'/core/model-f5start.php';
      $f5start = new f5start;
      $f5config = new f5config;
    $getMotdPage = $f5start->getMOTDpage_tab();
    $getf5name = $f5start->getf5name();
    $getf5ver = $f5start->getf5version();
    $getf5url01 = $f5start->getf5url01x();
    $getf5url02 = $f5start->getf5url02x();
    $getf5url03 = $f5start->getf5url03x();
    $guiJUD_BTN01 = $f5start->i18nJUDGEbtnj1();
    $guiJUD_BTN02 = $f5start->i18nJUDGEbtnj2();
    $guiJUD_BTN03 = $f5start->i18nJUDGEbtnj3();
      $guiJUD_chronoBTN = $f5start->i18nJUDGEbtnCHONO();
      $guiJUD_doubleBTN = $f5start->i18nJUDGEbtnCHONO();
    $getf5lang = $f5start->getf5GUIlang();
    $getBASEDIR = $f5start->getf5BaseDIR();
    $getMotdPage = $f5start->getMOTDpage_tab();
      //require_once __DIR__ . '/v/nb-f5judge.php';
      //require_once __DIR__ . '/core/model-mngmt.php';
      require_once __DIR__ . '/v/nb-f5j.php';
      require_once __DIR__ . '/v/v-f5judge.php';
      //require_once 'v/v-f5sht.php';
  6. Alex M Pro reporter
    function i18nJUDGEbtnCHONO(){
        $lng3xcode = f5start::getf5GUIlang();
        $getTABbtn01 = R::getCell('select value from f5lng where varname="f5GUI_judge_jchrono" AND lng3code="'.$lng3xcode.'"');
        return @$getTABbtn01;
    function i18nJUDGEbtnDBL(){
        $lng3xcode = f5start::getf5GUIlang();
        $getTABbtn01 = R::getCell('select value from f5lng where varname="f5GUI_judge_jdouble" AND lng3code="'.$lng3xcode.'"');
        return @$getTABbtn01;
  7. Alex M Pro reporter
    'select value from f5lng where varname="f5GUI_judge_jchrono" '
    'select value from f5lng where varname="f5GUI_judge_jdouble" '
  8. Alex M Pro reporter


       <div class="list-group" id="TMPi_addons" role="tablist">
          <a id="TMPx_fst" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action lnk" data-toggle="list" href="#fst" role="tab"> </a>
          <a id="TMPzb02" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action lnk" style="cursor: default;" data-toggle="list" href="#ip"><?php #echo 'f5fly IP: '. $_SERVER[SERVER_ADDR]; ?></a>
          <a id="TMPx_cls" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action lnk" data-toggle="list" href="#cls" role="tab"> </a>


       <div class="list-group" style="display: none;" id="TMPi_addons" role="tablist">
          <a id="TMPx_fst" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action lnk" data-toggle="list" href="#fst" role="tab"> </a>
          <a id="TMPzb02" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action lnk" style="cursor: default;" data-toggle="list" href="#ip"><?php #echo 'f5fly IP: '. $_SERVER[SERVER_ADDR]; ?></a>
          <a id="TMPx_cls" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action lnk" data-toggle="list" href="#cls" role="tab"> </a>

    ++ AFTER:

        <?php echo 'IP: '. $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; ?>
  9. Alex M Pro reporter


    <div id="xcloseid" class="close">&#10006;</div>


    <div id="xcloseid" class="close" title="закрыть">&#10006;</div>
  10. Alex M Pro reporter


    .qrJuda01 {
      opacity: 0.81;
      /* background-image: url("../img/qrcodes/f5j1qrc0.png");  */

    &2 &3

    .close {
        /* background-color: #ff0000; */


    .closeNF:hover {
        color: #cc0000;
        border:1px solid #cc0000;
        box-shadow: 0 0 1px #cc0000;
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