An error occurred while processing this request

Issue #11 resolved
DCBjacob created an issue

Hello, I recently updated the backend of my web server which involved in me restoring my website from a backup. I am running into an issue that only seems to affect accordion_pro. I can’t edit existing accordion pro blocks or add additions blocks. I get a light box error message that says “An error occurred while processing this request”. I would try to reinstall the addon, but I’m afraid of losing all the content in those accordion blocks. Could you help me with this issue?

I also did update Concrete5 version to the latest release during this transition. Maybe that is the issue?

Comments (10)

  1. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    I assume you don’t have set chmod 777 permissions for applications/files directory. You can try to fix the permissions. If that doesnt help you can purchase an support hour and send me your credentials. Then i will log in into your server and will find and fix the issue.

  2. DCBjacob reporter

    Thanks for the fast response, that doesn’t seem to be the issue from what I can tell. This is installed on Windows Server 2019 and it appears the only affected addon is Accordion Pro. What is your rate for one hour?

  3. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    The hourly rate is 120 usd. If you agree i can login to your system and investigate this issue. Should it be an issue from the addon itself i dont bill you but im almost 100% sure this is an configuration issue. If you want send me the credentials to

  4. DCBjacob reporter

    It appears to be a compatibility issue of sorts. I installed a fresh copy of Concrete 8.5.4 into the latest compiled instance of XAMPP with PHP 7.3.25 on a test server and I’m getting a different error. But an error none the less. Maybe this information is helpful? I forgot to mention that I changed PHP versions while upgrading to the latest release of Concrete5.

    Call to undefined method Concrete\Core\Editor\CkeditorEditor::getEditorOptions()
    C:\xampp\htdocs\packages\accordion_pro\blocks\accordion_pro\form.php(228): Error->null  
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Block\View\BlockView.php(361): null->include   
    C:\xampp\htdocs\packages\accordion_pro\blocks\accordion_pro\add.php(13): Concrete\Core\Block\View\BlockView->inc    
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Block\View\BlockView.php(248): null->include   
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\View\AbstractView.php(164): Concrete\Core\Block\View\BlockView->renderViewContents 
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\views\dialogs\page\add_block.php(102): Concrete\Core\View\AbstractView->render 
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\View\View.php(267): null->include  
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\View\View.php(245): Concrete\Core\View\View->renderInnerContents   
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\View\AbstractView.php(164): Concrete\Core\View\View->renderViewContents    
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Routing\ControllerRouteAction.php(82): Concrete\Core\View\AbstractView->render 
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\RouteDispatcher.php(37): Concrete\Core\Routing\ControllerRouteAction->execute 
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\DispatcherDelegate.php(39): Concrete\Core\Http\RouteDispatcher->dispatch   
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareStack.php(86): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\DispatcherDelegate->next    
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\DefaultDispatcher.php(125): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareStack->process    
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\DefaultDispatcher.php(58): Concrete\Core\Http\DefaultDispatcher->handleDispatch   
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\DispatcherDelegate.php(39): Concrete\Core\Http\DefaultDispatcher->dispatch 
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\ThumbnailMiddleware.php(76): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\DispatcherDelegate->next    
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\ThumbnailMiddleware->process 
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\FrameOptionsMiddleware.php(39): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareDelegate->next 
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\FrameOptionsMiddleware->process  
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\CookieMiddleware.php(35): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareDelegate->next   
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\CookieMiddleware->process    
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\ApplicationMiddleware.php(29): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareDelegate->next  
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareDelegate.php(50): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\ApplicationMiddleware->process   
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareStack.php(86): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareDelegate->next    
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Http\DefaultServer.php(85): Concrete\Core\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareStack->process 
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Foundation\Runtime\Run\DefaultRunner.php(128): Concrete\Core\Http\DefaultServer->handleRequest 
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\src\Foundation\Runtime\DefaultRuntime.php(102): Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\Run\DefaultRunner->run    
    C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\dispatcher.php(45): Concrete\Core\Foundation\Runtime\DefaultRuntime->run   
    C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(3): null->require

  5. DCBjacob reporter

    Here’s the environment information from my test server.

    # concrete5 Version
    Core Version - 8.5.4
    Version Installed - 8.5.4
    Database Version - 20200609145307
    # Database Information
    Version: 10.4.17-MariaDB
    # concrete5 Packages
    Accordion Pro (1.1.3)
    # concrete5 Overrides
    # concrete5 Cache Settings
    Block Cache - On
    Overrides Cache - On
    Full Page Caching - Off
    Full Page Cache Lifetime - Every 6 hours (default setting).
    # Server Software
    Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1h PHP/7.3.25
    # Server API
    # PHP Version
    # PHP Extensions
    apache2handler, bcmath, bz2, calendar, Core, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, json, libxml, mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, readline, Reflection, session, SimpleXML, SPL, standard, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, zip, zlib
    # PHP Settings
    max_execution_time - 120
    log_errors_max_len - 1024
    max_file_uploads - 20
    max_input_nesting_level - 64
    max_input_time - 60
    max_input_vars - 1000
    memory_limit - 512M
    post_max_size - 40M
    upload_max_filesize - 40M
    mbstring.regex_stack_limit - 100000
    mysqli.max_links - Unlimited
    mysqli.max_persistent - Unlimited
    pcre.backtrack_limit - 1000000
    pcre.recursion_limit - 100000
    session.cache_limiter - <i>no value</i>
    session.gc_maxlifetime - 7200

  6. DCBjacob reporter

    Oh wow, I fell like a dummy! I should have checked there first. I didn’t get an alert to update the addon through the Concrete5 Dashboard, but I did find the newer version by accessing my purchases through my Concrete5 profile. Thank you so much for your time today!

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