mollie no POST confirmation of transaction status

Issue #11 resolved
Eelco Schreurs created an issue

For the mollie payment gateway it's not receiving the status of a transaction from the mollie side.

so you don't know if status is payed, cancelled or whatever...

Comments (4)

  1. Eelco Schreurs reporter

    for now im using mollie with the test API key. there should be an option to put in test mode with test API key and live mode and LIVE API key.

    but i'm seeing this error in the Logs of concrete5 after finishing a payment with mollie.

    Invalid payment ID: ''. A payment ID should start with 'tr_'.
  2. Eelco Schreurs reporter

    I think i have found the issue:

    in packages/bitter_shop_system/src/Bitter/ShopSystem/PaymentProviders/Mollie.php the following lines should be changed like so:

    $transactionId = $request->request("id");
    $orderNumber = $request->request("orderNumber");
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