pre sales Question

Issue #14 closed
Former user created an issue

I want to purchase this shop system. please confirm the following

1) please confirm that i do not need to buy any additional eCommerce add on. 2) please see this website . it has a sidebar on left hard side. this is category? Does your system will allow me to have a "product category system" So that i can also list categories on left hand site like the reference website? :-

Comments (4)

  1. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    Hello, the Bitter Shop System has a category system with a sidebar. But currently no sub categories are supported. You don't need to buy any additional ecommerce add-on. All stuff is included to the core package. But there are 2 useful add-ons that are additionally available. 1) PDF Designer: Allows you to create order confirmations as PDF attachment with your own letterhead 2) Bitter Theme: Has an included Stylesheet for Bitter Shop System. Without it's just naked Bootstrap.

  2. Balwant Brar

    Thank you for the reply.

    Will this theme have search function. as i will be using the eCommerce part. i hope you guys have advance search filter or search functions to search products.

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