Need to remove ability to add to cart as well shopping cart link in Navigation

Issue #17 closed
James Appleton created an issue

Long story short... I am utilizing the Bitter Shop System to simply display inventory for a Luxury Motor Coach website I am building. They do not need the ability to add things to a cart, process payments, or even have a shopping cart available. I have disabled everything I can think of but the ability to add something to the cart, tax, and the shopping cart itself still display. How can I simply use this to create and display inventory?

Comments (16)

  1. James Appleton reporter

    That didn't remove the shopping cart icon from navigation. It did remove it from the product instance though. I also need to remove the TAX info as well.1a.png1b.png

  2. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    You can set tax to 0 and set the page Attribute exclude from sitemap for shopping cart. The alias Pages you Can remove.

  3. James Appleton reporter

    Fabian... I appreciate the help thus far, but nothing is working. I set the Tax to 0, set the page attributes for Shopping Cart to exclude in sitemap, nav, page list, search index, and sub-pages as well as removed the alias pages and still no change in the header nav. The icon still shows up as do tax details. Now the tax details show "excl. 0%" when I just want it to go away entirely and show absolutely nothing mentioning taxes.




  4. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    With the taxes is no problem. I can provide an update for this. For the nav issue clear the cache. If this wont work disable the custom template for autonav. Im back in office tomorrow. I Can assist you then if you need further help

  5. James Appleton reporter

    Awesome... I am literally pulling my hair out over this. I've refreshed cache and much more to no avail. Thank you so much for being so responsive! Once I iron things out and get my bearings, I'll give you a killer review.

  6. James Appleton reporter

    I just removed:

    <?php if (is_object(Package::getByHandle("bitter_shop_system"))): ?> <li class="level-1 hidden-xs"> <a href="<?php echo URL::to("/shop/shopping_cart"); ?>" rel="nofollow"> <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i>

                <span class="hidden">
                    <?php echo t("Shopping Cart"); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

    from the header nav template and that fixed the issue for now in the navigation.

  7. James Appleton reporter

    OK... I've gotten the hang of things for the most part and have removed unnecessary content. One thing I remain unclear about is how to set up 2 "Categories", Available and Sold, and then on the "shop" page, filter out own from the other. I have both set within the Product Categories but don't quite understand how to properly associate them and then achieve the desired filtering.

  8. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    Hello James,

    please update Bitter Theme to latest version and choose the new basic header template for autonav.

    For Bitter Shop System there is also an update available which hides the tax informations when tax is 0.

    For categories: You have to associate your products with your categories.

  9. James Appleton reporter

    I apologize and appreciate your help more than you know, but a couple things are really frustrating me. The client needs to show Available and Sold RVs both together, a filtered view that the visitor can apply to see only Available or Sold, and then have a separate page for both Available and Sold which only displays one or the other depending on default search settings. There are still some issues that I can't seem to figure out.

    1. Shop (page): the regular List vs. BSS Product List. If BSS Product List is enabled, no sorting or searching is available, just image links and limited product details. If it isn't, the results are searchable and sortable but in table form which can be expanded to show more details and the Image does not display, just a link to the image, and you can filter out the categories or start out with just one category like Available without displaying Sold by default. Does that make sense?

    2. If I copy the stylized BSS Product List (Express List) and paste to a different page, it loses all of styling of the BSS Product List on the default Shop page.

    Basically, I'm finding this to be very difficult to configure to display what I feel should be basic/simple. I am not a developer by nature, so I understand that I am entering this with significant limitations, but I just want to create various RV Products in either an Available or Sold category, display them all together with the ability to sort between the 2, and then have a separate page for Available that only shows Available product and one for Sold which only shows Sold product.

    My email is I just scrapped the entire site and reinstalled in case I did something that created the issues. I wouldn't have a problem letting you have access if this is easy to set up.



  10. James Appleton reporter

    Fabian... I have things under control and understand how to get it to sort and how to create and apply categories as well as enable the sorting functionality. Interestingly, if I DO NOT enable it and leave it simply as a list and click on a product, it opens the product instance fine. However, if I enable sorting as seen in the screenshot and click on a product, I get the following error. This is all on a freshly installed, unmodified version so I am certain it isn't anything I did. The sorting functionality works great though!



  11. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    Looks like a PHP 7.2 issue. I have uploaded a new version. Should work now. Otherwise please enable advanced debugging mode in concrete5 settings so that i can see further error details.

  12. James Appleton reporter

    Thanks... the update itself didn't work so I enabled debugging and noticed the error centered around customer reviews. They were enabled, though there were none, so I disabled them and it works now.

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