Stock control

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue

I could not see any form of stock control in the demo. I would need to show number in stock and limit sales to no more than available stock with option to allow back orders. Is this possible?

Comments (5)

  1. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    The Bitter Shop System have a stock control. Currently the stock quantity will not appear in the frontend. The products are just not buyable anymore when the product is out of stock. You can change the view of the product detail page with a custom template to show the quantity in frontend or if this is a main requirement for you i can integrate this feature to the next update.

  2. cmerritt60

    Thanks for the reply. I could not see this in the screen shots, so I am unsure as to how it works. Is there a view where the site owner can see number left in stock? Can the site owner see a list of items with no stock? Can products be set to ignore stock levels as in the case for downloadable items? One of my clients sells tours so in that case we would need to see the available spots left on the front end. I did notice on the demo site that the quantity selected on the product page was not transferred to the cart and only one was added. What happens if only 3 are left in stock and a customer selects 4, is there a message to let them know that only 3 are left?

    Sorry for so many questions but I need to ensure that it will fill my requirements.

  3. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    The view is based on Express. This means you can customize the view and add the quantity as a column to the list view.

    Ignoring stock level: Currently you can enter a high number of quantity if you want to make it "infintiy".

    The system is smart enough: If only 3 are left, then only 3 are selectable in the selectbox.

    In general i am working very seamless with my customers. If you have special requirements and this are generic things i will provide updates :)

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