Sortable productcategories

Issue #22 new
Former user created an issue

there is no ability to sort the categories. it shows alphabetical in left column on frontend. It would be great to be able to sort categories via for example a sort of drag and drop on backend or via a sort ID number in an extra column.

Comments (2)

  1. Eelco Schreurs

    packages/bitter_shop_system/elements/shop/product_list/sidebar.php you could change:

    $productCategoryList->sortBy("ak_product_category_name", "ASC");

    Create a new handle in product categories. and change this AK_ handle above...

    But would be nice it this would be included in an update...

  2. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    Hello Eelco, thank you for your good suggestion. At the moment i am very busy with other projects. But when i have some free time i will implement this feature. Sounds good :)

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