Tax Rate on Price Variant won't allow for $108.25... makes me choose a whole number

Issue #29 resolved
James Appleton created an issue

To simplify things while configuring, I am using a base price of $100 plus the Tax Rate of 8.25% for a total of $108.25. This works fine when no variants are in place. However, when I create Price Variants and try and save the $108.25 price for any variation, it forces me to choose either $108 or $109 and will not allow $108.25. It's like it ignores fractions and requires whole numbers

Comments (3)

  1. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    Hello James and thank you for your bug Report. Currently im on vacation. As soon as in back in office i will fix this issue. Temporary you can fix it by changing step size to 0.01 in view code of price Attribute

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