CSS customization

Issue #32 closed
Peter Eliasson created an issue

Hi, I am interested in your C5 Add On. If I want to use my own website template, how much can I customize this add on with colors and font sizes? Or do I need your template as well? /Peter

Comments (11)

  1. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    It is not required to use my Theme. BUT you need to develop all the custom CSS. Its standard bootstrap theme by default. If your Theme is Bootstrap based some parts are already styled by the Theme Settings but everything else you need to customize. Using my Theme is the easy/lazy way. But in general it works with any Theme.

  2. Peter Eliasson reporter

    Yes I saw that deal and did a purchase but... after installation the add-on doesn´t show up in the control panel. According to the video I just saw it would be listed under "Systems and settings", but it´s nothing there. What now. I have the latest version of C5.

  3. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    You don't see the dashboard page "Bitter Shop System" as last entry in dashboard page list?

  4. Peter Eliasson reporter

    I saw in the FAQ that it´s not possible to make subcategories. My client need to have 3 different pages with different products. It seems like this was a bad choice for her then, or? /Peter

  5. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    Bitter Shop System is extandable. Its a solid base for custom development but you don't get all features out of the box. You will get all basic features and some specials like Export interfaces, multilingual support, SEO etc. There is something wrong with the installation. If you want send me credentials to fabianbitter@protonmail.com. Otherwise i refund you no problem. Fabian

  6. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    Means you can custom develop this feature if you require or maybe it will comes with an update in the future but can't promise if this feature will ever be part of bss. There are some other things in the pipeline with more priority.

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