Bitter Shop System

Issue #35 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi Fabian, I emailed you a few weeks ago about using your shop system to allow customers to upload a file during checkout. I did purchase your multi html file select addon and it works perfectly. So I'm assuming I can use add your multi html file attribute as an order attribute to allow customers (unauthenticated guests) to upload a file during checkout based on product? Am I correct that this is possible.

So the use case would go as follows:

1) User adds a product to the cart 2) User clicks checkout 3) Check out page gives customer option to upload file(s) based on product type 4) User completes order 5) On completion page user can see that they have upload file(s) 6) On retrieval of order later user (or site admin) can see that they have uploaded file(s) attached to that order

So with that if I purchase your shop system is says that you entertain all offers during February. Would I be able to purchase 2 licenses for $150? That would give me a QA and Prod environment.

Thanks Fabian,

John Majersky President 3DReactions

Comments (5)

  1. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    Hello John thank for contacting me. 3 and 5 is not possible without.custom coding. You can add the multi html upload field to the user registation attributes and so they appear on the register process and guest checkout BUT you cant make this depending on a product without custom development. The site owner can see this values. 150 dollar is okay. When you are always interested i will create an custom offer for you. For 600 dollar more i can develop a solution depending on both addons. Fabian

  2. John Majersky

    Got it, Thanks Fabian. I appreciate the quick reply. I don't think it is critical that I support by product. It would be enough as a start to have file upload capability for anyone that checks out which it sounds like it does so that should work for now. Although I will probably want this functionality in the future.

    How would I go about redeeming 2 licenses for $150?


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