Can't consult products and orders

Issue #56 new
Bouaziz Med created an issue

In the bitter shop system interface, I cannot view the orders and products, nor change the settings despite the orders being in Express-> order .

Comments (4)

  1. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    Hello the form variable isn’t pass to the controller which should be a default behaivour from the c5 core. You have updated or a broken installation? Is everything else of the CMS working fine? Please send me your environment informations.

  2. Bouaziz Med reporter

    Hello , yes CMS working fine ,

    Environement Informations :
    Server Software

    Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)

    Server API


    PHP Version


    concrete5 Version

    Core Version - 8.5.4
    Version Installed - 8.5.4
    Database Version - 20200609145307

    Database Information

    Version: 5.7.31-0ubuntu0.18.04.1

    concrete5 Packages

    Bitter Shop System (1.3.5)

  3. Fabian Bitter repo owner

    Hello i spent some time to debug but it’s hard to find out whats happing there. Maybe a database charset issue while migration the content to another server, maybe file permission problems or a caching module of apache. Can you please describe what you have changed before this error comes? Because the controller files aren't even interpreted by concrete5 like they are not exists. Please give me further details then i can help you.

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