Syntax for nesting items within value of item property?

Issue #8 new
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Please advise what syntax I should use within a value field in order to embed an item and its attribute/value data within a Concrete5 Structured Data add-on template.

For example, in the markup for a VideoObject, I want to indicate that this video is "About" a ship named the "S.S. Legacy," and identify the web page on which the S.S. Legacy is the main entity described. Per the examples from, I understand that the markup should read like this: about : { "@type": "Thing", "name": "S.S. Legacy", "mainEntityOfPage": "" }

However, when I enter this text into the "value" field for the attribute "about :" within the VideoObject template, it is not recognized as an embedded item. When I test the web page using the Google Structured Data Testing Tool, I see that the entire string has been interpreted as the value for "name".

Please provide instructions on how I can make nested items work within these templates.

Thank you.

Christine Hosler UnCruise Adventures Seattle, WA USA

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