Schedule menu not showing.

Issue #1 resolved
Andréas created an issue

First of all; Thank you for taking the lead on this issue.. Espurna is great, but perhaps to heavy for one single developer and I think that you are brave to help. I've been fiddling around at home but is a to lousy programmer to publish my tests.

I downloaded, compiled and uploaded your code into a "Wemos D1 mini pro" but without a relay shield attached ( I don't have one). I put your "#define's" at the end of general.h. Everything builds OK and flashes OK. The Wemos D1 mini pro answers correctly and gives me the Espurna web but no Schedule menu.... Any inputs would be appreciated.

Comments (10)

  1. Andréas reporter

    Hi again

    I am sorry for being so noobish.

    I've been looking at the code quite thorough but do not understand what you mean with "one relay defined". In my compiled version I can see that the relay is on pin number five (default). Do I need to define a relay manually or do the software detect the relay? If I need to define the relay manually, how do I do that?

    In my SonOff ( I have a SonOff too), I don't need to define a relay.

  2. Stefano Cotterli repo owner

    so you have cloned the git repository:

    git clone

    then switched to dev branch (required for the pull request @xoseperez):

    git.exe checkout -b dev remotes/origin/dev

    You should have a new file called "ascheduler.ini" in the "code\espurna" folder

    uncommented in aduino.h:


    and put at the end of general.h:

    #define SCHEDULER_SUPPORT 1 
    #define SCH_UPDATE_INTERVAL 30000 
    #define MAX_SCHEDULED 10

    Now you need to run

    node node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js

    to recreate index.html.gz and index.html.gz.h (I did not included them in the pull request).

    Now compile and upload. Can you please tell me if you have any message in the serial console beginning with "[SCH]"?

  3. Andréas reporter

    Aha, here we have a difference I didn't foresee. I work in Linux and Platformio, and I think you use Windows with Arduino IDE.

    Well I "translated" your commands to Linux/Platformio so I ran: git clone cd /espurna git checkout -b dev remotes/origin/dev

    then I checked witch branch that was active with: git branch and I could see that "dev" was active.

    I checked the entries in the files... they seemed legit with Platformios standards and the "#define" entries in the end of /espurna/code/config/general.h was already there (didyou change that?).

    So I ran "pio run" to gather libraries and to compile... it worked. And when I uploaded with "pio run -t upload" I had the SCHEDULE menu.... sweet!

    I will test the functions and report back to you.


  4. Andréas reporter

    So I have done some basic testings. I still don't have a relay so I set up some timers an watched the "toggle sprite" on the status page. Everything seams to work good. Well, there are some graphical issues but functions look as if they work.

    Well done.. I hope you get the functions in the espurna standard branch.

  5. Stefano Cotterli repo owner

    Thank you for your testing and for the feedback! Yes, I know that the UI is not at its best, hope that Xosé will fix it.

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