PyMOAB not being added to path

Issue #105 new
nathan bartholomew created an issue

Hello, I am Nathan Bartholomew. I am working on the python module called PyNE. We have an install script that builds MOAB before installing PyNE. I have modified the script so that it would install a later version of MOAB which also has PyMOAB. Upon completion of the installation PyMOAB cannot be imported unless it is added to the path in the script or manually. I believe this should be handled in the building of MOAB and not the install script.


cd $install_dir
mkdir -p moab
cd moab
git clone --branch master --single-branch moab-repo
cd moab-repo
autoreconf -fi
mkdir -p build
cd build

../configure --enable-shared --enable-pymoab --enable-dagmc --with-hdf5=$hdf5_libdir --prefix=$install_dir/moab
make install

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$install_dir/moab/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LIBRARY_PATH=$install_dir/moab/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH

echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$install_dir/moab/lib:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export LIBRARY_PATH=$install_dir/moab/lib:\$LIBRARY_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$install_dir/moab/include:\$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$install_dir/moab/include:\$C_INCLUDE_PATH >> ~/.bashrc

I’m unsure if the environment variables in lines 17 through 23 are relevant so I included them just in case.

Comments (8)

  1. Vijay M

    I assume you are using MOAB 5.1?

    @Patrick Shriwise Can you take a look at this? I won't have time this week to resolve the issue.

  2. nathan bartholomew reporter

    Yes, and I cloned it from the master branch. I intend to change the script when a new there is a new stable release.

  3. Patrick Shriwise

    Hi! Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I've been playing around with this today. While PyMOAB is installed in a default location relative to the MOAB install. It is also possible to run the like you would for a pure Python package from the pymoab directory in your build location. This will only work after the MOAB library has been built.

    So I think the answer for you would be to add these couple lines after make install:

    cd pymoab
    python install
    # or if you want to avoid the system install (recommended)
    python install --user
  4. nathan bartholomew reporter

    Thanks for the answer. Are you also saying that this isn’t something that should be done by the make install?

  5. Patrick Shriwise

    No problem!

    I'm not sure TBH. I've seen C++/Python packages handle the install of their libraries/binaries and their Python module in several different ways. Some rely on CMake/autotools to put the Python module in the correct place (which is sort of what we're attempting to do here) and others rely on the / pip to build the C++ binaries and install those separately from the Python module. It isn’t clear to me which is better, but I’ll definitely acknowledge that PyMOAB’s install process could be improved.

  6. Vijay M

    @Patrick Shriwise Can we address this issue somehow ? @Paul Wilson has been adding changes to converge the behavior of autotools and CMake. We should streamline the installation process for PyMOAB as well if possible.

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