Skinner - Can't get the skin of a meshset

Issue #108 new
Gabriel Mendes Matos created an issue

Whenever I use the find_skin method like below, I get the entities that are in the skin of the entire mesh and belong to the given meshset.

skin = sk.Skinner(mb)
ms_volumes = mb.get_entities_by_dimension(my_ms, 3)
faces_on_skin = skin.find_skin(my_ms, ms_volumes)

(I also use construct_aentities before this code to construct internal faces).

The only way I can get the skin of a meshset is creating another core containing it. Is there another way of doing that?

Comments (2)

  1. Vijay M

    I do not correctly understand this question. If you want the faces on the skin, find_skin query should return the entities that are on the partition boundary. Please refer to the API here [1]. I am assuming you are using PyMOAB here and I can double check if there is an issue if you can also kindly provide a sample example to replicate the issue.

    @Patrick Shriwise comments ?


  2. Patrick Shriwise

    Not sure I’m going to be of much help here. I’m not very familiar with the skinning tool in MOAB and wasn’t the one to write that portion of the PyMOAB interface.

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